Where most needed


Your gift will help support A Rocha’s global projects, where it is most needed.


A Rocha is a Christian organization engaging communities in nature conservation. Via residential field study centres, site-based projects and wider advocacy, we:

  • Carry out ecological monitoring and research in areas of high value for wildlife;
  • Spearhead practical measures for conserving and restoring habitats and their fauna and flora;
  • Encourage appreciation of nature and participation in its conservation, through environmental education and community outreach; and
  • Provide a forum for understanding the relevance of the Christian faith to environmental issues.

Our projects are based in 20 countries and on six continents, the focus of which varies around the world, as they are driven and directed by local contexts, needs and leaders. They involve thousands of people from different cultures in a wide variety of initiatives, ranging from urban to rural and from the very poorest African communities to the most privileged American suburbs.

Your gift will help to support projects like these, to publicize our work at an international level and foster the emergence of new initiatives.

What do you get?

Following checkout you will receive the links to download two versions of the e-card (one formatted for emailing, one for printing at home).

How your money will be spent

GWAD price breakdown1