Clean cook stoves for families


Most of the residents and businesses of Pacasmayo in northern Peru rely on firewood and charcoal for cooking. This high demand has spurred the illegal deforestation of Algarrobo trees in the nearby dry forests. Clean cook stoves use less fuelwood than traditional open fires and reduce families’ exposure to harmful smoke. Your gift will help save the threatened dry forests and improve the health of local communities.


Peruvian dry forest is a unique and biodiverse ecosystem. However, less than 2% remains, making these forests a worldwide conservation priority. Most of Pacasmayo’s residents and businesses rely on firewood and charcoal for cooking, which has fuelled illegal deforestation of Algarrobo trees. Reducing the unsustainable rate of fuelwood harvesting from dry forests is crucial for their conservation.

In 2018, A Rocha Peru began work to install fuel-efficient cook stoves in households within the Pacasmayo area, which benefit dry forests as well as the health of local families. According to our research, families will use 25% less fuelwood, saving trees from being cut down. The improved cook stoves have chimneys that help reduce exposure to harmful smoke compared to traditional stoves, thereby improving indoor air quality and the health of households. Those responsible for collecting firewood, particularly women and girls, will also benefit due to the reduced time burden of fuelwood collection.

Cook stoves are made from locally sourced materials and custom-built, by local metal workers and bricklayers, for each beneficiary based on the space, exposure of the cooking area and other factors. The design has been tested and successfully implemented in nearly 100 households. Each one is carefully monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure it is correctly used and maintained.

What do you get?

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How your money will be spent

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