Hands-on nature lesson, Lebanon


Your gift will give a class of up to 30 school children an opportunity to visit A Rocha Lebanon’s nature parks at Qab Elias or Mekse. Here they will learn about the natural environment through a range of activities linked to the school curriculum.

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A Rocha Lebanon’s nature parks, in the Bekaa Valley, are a fantastic resource for local schools. Teachers can bring their pupils to teach a wide range of topics from across the curriculum, including science and the environment, maths, art and literacy, all in a wonderful outdoor sensory setting.

The parks were designed with local residents to create a range of habitats for birds, reptiles and invertebrates, as well as a safe outdoor space for public recreation and environmental education. Both have a variety of trees, shrubs and other plants for students and curious visitors to enjoy. Each has a pond, walking trails and a maze for quiet contemplation. Also, the Bekaa Valley is on one of the world’s most important routes for migrating birds, so creating woodland, in which they can feed and roost, will provide opportunities to learn about birds from around the world.

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